Ep 71 - How I Went from Business Major to Senior Care and 5 Things I Learned

podcast Mar 05, 2025
careers in aging




This is the first episode in our Careers in Aging Series. Today I'm sharing with you 5 things I learned from working in the senior care field. They might surprise you! 

5 Things I Learned:

  1. You get to help people, but they help you too!
  2. There’s job security
  3. The people in the senior care field are GOOD company!
  4. You will grieve the decline/death of older people you serve. 
  5. Serving people at the end of their livse is sacred work.  

Resource mentioned:

  1. Article by Jenna Kellerman - https://leadingage.org/careers-in-aging-month-an-opportunity-to-reflect-and-share/
  2. Argentum Workforce Project Report - https://www.argentum.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023-Workforce-Projections-Final.pdf
  3. Find out when future episodes are released by following The Value of Wrinkles podcast at Apple, Spotify, etc! or sign up for our newsletter https://www.valueofwrinkles.com/listen.

Today's episode is sponsored by Dignity Memorial

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