Ep 52: What Seniorcare Resources are out there for Asian American families?

asian podcast May 04, 2023

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May is AANHPI Heritage Month! In this episode I'm going to help you find more support as you care for your Asian elder. 

  • Imagine going to a foreign country and trying to get around. 
  • Why I was intimidated to do this episode.
  • Two reasons why it's hard to find senior services for Asian elders
  • What's Asian speaking vs. Asian owned senior care services 
  • What's an ABC? American-born Chinese
  • 3 places to find senior care services/resources for your Asian elder


Three Places to Find Seniorcare Resources for Your Asian American Family


AARP's FREE HomeFit Guide, also translated in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese

  • Use this free publication (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese) to get smart ways to make a home comfortable, safe and a great fit for older adults — and people of all ages

  • Ten pages of worksheets that make your home more livable and comfortable for your elder  

AARP's FREE Pan Asian Family Caregiving Guide, also translated into Chinese 

  • This FREE 44-page guide is full of helpful guidance specifically for an AAPNHPI caregiver. This guide includes a glossary so you understand seniorcare terms, gives you questions to ask when hiring outside help and MORE! 


2. The Value of Wrinkles - A FREE Video to Respectfully Initiate Conversations with your Asian Elder 

Get this at https://valueofwrinkles.com/talk. Various translations to come! Starting in Mandarin and Cantonese!

This video is part of my Prepare to Care digital course and is something that was created based on research done in the Chinese community. Conversations about end of life can be hard to bring up especially in Asian culture, so this video can help give you the words to start these conversations! I am working on translating this video into other Asian-speaking languages.


Want more support? Enroll in my Prepare to Care digital course for more help in your caregiving journey.  

This course will show you what to do while your loved one is still healthy and can also help you if you are in the midst of caregiving. Currently at $89 (intro rate). 


3. Directory of Asian Seniorcare Services in the United States

I just created this directory that includes a database of organizations/companies/seniorcare services that are language and/or culturally appropriate for Asian elders. 

Get access to this directory of Asian seniorcare services and programs. 

I need your help to find all the Asian seniorcare programs, adult day centers, senior centers, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, homecare agencies and hospice care programs out there. Please contact me HERE to tell me about an Asian owned organization that serves seniors. Please include the name of the organization, URL, phone number, and Asian-speaking ethnic group that this organization serves.

If you are a healthcare organization or company that would like to sponsor this endeavor, please reach out! 


Other episodes you might be interested in:

Episode 18: Loving our Grandparents and Parents with Food

Episode 3: Linda, 30s, Asian Grandmas

Episode 15: Cecille Valoria, 60, Filipino Greetings and Flowers 

Episode 22: Kay Lam, 78, + my 5-yr-old, A New Friend Through Sign Language 

Ep 33: How to Connect with Your Asian Grandparent Even When You Can't Speak the Same Language  


Grab a copy of my book!

Wondering how you can bless older people in your life or community? Read my book to hear my story of how I found a career path in the aging services/senior care field.

The Value of Wrinkles: A Young Perspective on How Loving the Old Will Change Your Life.


Introduction done by : Caroline Goon

A special thanks to AARP for sponsoring this  American series of The Value of Wrinkles podcast! 

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